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KFC CEO Shin Ho-sang explained that the tomato was "removed to accentuate the original flavor of Zinger Burger," assuring customers that they would not regret trying the remodeled burger made with a global original recipe.

8款风靡一时的牛仔裤 都是怎么流行起来的?

Supposedly, the high waist was meant to cover the tummy and prevent it from spilling over the top of the jeans, creating the dreaded muffin top—but usually, all it did was accentuate any visible fat and make you look frumpy to boot.


Choose pieces that accentuate what you like about your figure.


Whatever the cause of the rudeness, you don't have to accentuate the problem.


Washington's stylist, who added that the key to a flattering alteration (besides accommodating a growing midsection) is to accentuate the finer points of one's figure-whether wrists, cleavage or legs.


Longer pants will accentuate your leg length and make you look taller and slimmer.


Whatever the cause of the rudeness, you don't have to accentuate the problem.


Find something positive in their actions If you have given your partner an advice to do certain small steps to go through hard times, you should feel responsibility for your actions and try to notice and accentuate all the good things that result from their actions and attempts.


An added perk: the company says the chopsticks will help support the breasts and will "accentuate cleavage.

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