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Memories are likely accessed by spreading activation, so if you think of related items, that can help you retrieve something difficult.


These techniques combine traditional meditation with behavioral activation, a type of therapy that uses an "outside in" approach to help people change the way they act and aims to increase rewarding experiences in their lives.


The study concluded: "The assessment of a woman's immediate vulnerability may be central to the activation of psychological mechanisms related to sexual exploitation.


Stefanie Hoehl, lead investigator, said: "In constant light conditions this change in size of the pupils is an important signal for the activation of the noradrenergic system in the brain, which is responsible for stress reactions.


David Clark , senior research scientist at MIT: 'Devices will more and more have their own patterns of communication, their own 'social networks,' which they use to share and aggregate information, and undertake automatic control and activation.


Psychologists call it 'behavioral activation.


It regulates the activation of fast-twitch muscles—used for bursts of speed—and slow twitch muscles—needed for long-term endurance—better than many vertebrate species.

苹果解决iOS 9.3更新故障

As a solution, Apple suggested that users remove the activation lock by signing into their iCloud account's Find My Phone function or by connecting their device to a computer and entering their current Apple ID details into iTunes.


"Changes in corresponding brain activation patterns were also observed.


The authors write: : "Given laughter's ability to trigger endorphin activation and the role of endorphins in the formation of social bonds, laughter may increase willingness to disclose intimate information because the opioid effect of endorphins makes individuals more relaxed about what they communicate.


The warning applies to TV viewers who control their Samsung Smart TV using its voice activation feature.


Kozak has been investigating whether activation of brown fat can be increased through training people to better tolerate the cold.

New-Age Bribery Thrives Through Digital Gift Cards

To circumvent anti-graft watchdogs, those looking to curry favor via bribery purchase digital gift cards online, then give the card's activation code to the receiver generally over email.

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