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I despise the feelings you have shown in speaking to Philip; I detest your insulting, unmanly allusions to his deformity.


" "Your allusions are lost on me sir," said Bulstrode, with white heat; "the law has no hold on me either through your agency or any other.


'" "And after that we never alluded to allusions, as you might say.


:《》 Ulysses Ulysses did "stream of consciousness" before the term existed, and it's also a sprawling novel dense with allusions, wordplay, obscure jokes, and intensely, opaquely personal ruminations by the characters.


The visual and musical allusions are eclectic enough that nobody is likely to feel left out, and everybody is likely to feel a little lost from time to time.


"Star Wars" was, if anything, an even more self-conscious throwback, a film student's act of promiscuous homage, a hodgepodge of styles and allusions.


2: Ireland - Ulysses :《》 Ulysses did "stream of consciousness" before the term existed, and it's also a sprawling novel dense with allusions, wordplay, obscure jokes, and intensely, opaquely personal ruminations by the characters.


- -: :《》 Ulysses Ulysses did "stream of consciousness" before the term existed, and it's also a sprawling novel dense with allusions, wordplay, obscure jokes, and intensely, opaquely personal ruminations by the characters.


Maybe I couldn't understand the poetry and allusions in them books you are picking over, but I like to see somebody else seem to know what they mean.

安徒生童话英文版:The Shadow

He had looked into the windows of her father's palace, both the upper and the lower windows; he had seen many things, and could therefore answer the princess, and make allusions which quite astonished her.

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