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A 2017 study showed that roughly half of daters feel extremely ambivalent about their breakups, knowing that there were reasons to stay and reasons to leave.


"The Chinese government's ambivalent approach to financial markets — seeing them as a useful resource-allocation mechanism but unwilling to let them operate freely, with the ostensible aim of maintaining stability and control — has often added to market volatility and made them less efficient," said Mr Prasad.


But even by its hard-boiled standards, the Square Mile has always been ambivalent in its attitude to the EU.


Like her, my young success was my greatest success, and I've always had an ambivalent relationship to my early career.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(98)

Soraya was ambivalent at best.

韩郭电影大比拼 讲述不一样的中国

He represents a major segment of China's youth: smart, hardworking, self-made and politically ambivalent.

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