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" Baroness Alison Wolf, a cross-bench peer and professor of public policy at King's College London, said that while British universities are relatively well-funded, their American competitors have "been spending more and more" in recent years.


The list of seven powerful women, selected by a judging panel, was topped by Baroness Thatcher, the late former prime minister who was recognised by the BBC for her impact on British women whether they love her or loathe her.


However, the late Baroness Thatcher turned it down.


But Baroness Greenfield said that although benefits of playing computer games may include a higher IQ and better memory, social networking sites such as Twitter and Facebook may hamper empathy.

安徒生童话英文版:Anne Lisbeth

" Anne Lisbeth had now lived in the town many years; she was called "Madame," and felt dignified in consequence; she remembered the old, noble days, in which she had driven in the carriage, and had associated with countess and baroness.

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