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But of more use is to take this one step further and construct a two-dimensional grid based on the MN of the constituent elements in so called "binary compounds".

万物简史 第26期:走进太阳系(4)

Most star systems in the cosmos are binary (double-starred), which makes our solitary sun a slight oddity.

乔布斯传 第109期:现实扭曲力场(3)

Another key aspect of Jobs's worldview was his binary way of categorizing things.

乔布斯传 第22期:奇特的一对,两个史蒂夫(3)

It was basically a calculator capable of multiplying numbers entered by a set of switches and displaying the results in binary code with little lights.


By modulating the pulses of protons the group was able to send a message in binary that, when translated, read "neutrino".


By modulating the pulses of protons the group was able to send a message in binary that, when translated, read "neutrino".


And always explore other options when facing a choice, rather than obsessing about a yes versus no — a binary choice with risks attached piles on the pressure, and often fails to get to the heart of the dilemma, says Ms Huston.


Scientists said that the incredibly faint ripple that eventually reached Earth was the result of the spinning dance of a binary black hole pair on the brink of merging, although this duo weighed only 8 and 14 solar masses.


It is like having a friendly idiot savant scanning the horizon, with a slightly too binary version of my preferences, but nonetheless often hitting the spot.

科学家发现引力波 印证爱因斯坦预言

John Mather, a senior scientist at NASA, says the discovery may prove it is possible that a binary black hole could exist.

老爸老妈发问 孩子不乖就该打屁股?

" When we promulgate the notion that our success is directly measurable to the violence visited on our bodies as children, we reinforce a societal supposition that pain is an instrument of love, and establish a false binary between the streets and the strap.


" Inside the church a brass band played the film's The Binary Sunset music - known as Luke Skywalker's theme.

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