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" "Let us now," said Wendy, bracing herself up for her finest effort, "take a peep into the future;" and they all gave themselves the twist that makes peeps into the future easier.


" "These findings are important as they not only help unpick the mechanisms behind these psychological benefits, but they can also help to prioritise the protection of these environments and emphasise why bracing nature is so important.


" The industry is bracing itself for a backlash.


But even those rivals talk at best about selective hiring and many bankers say privately they are bracing for cuts.


A majority of the sales to China have already stopped ahead of the deadline, said Canola Council of Canada president Patti Miller, leaving many in the industry bracing for a significant hole in the market and potentially lower prices as harvest begins.


Hospitals and health authorities across China are bracing for an expected surge in older pregnant women this year, after the country adopted a second-child policy.


30am, when most of the business world is still fast asleep, Stef Oud, a senior partner at consultancy Deloitte, tiptoes through his house in the southern Dutch city of Eindhoven, quietly closes the front door and launches himself into a bracing 15km run with his pet Labrador at his side.


Cooks are bracing for more shortages.


As could be expected, it was a bracing antidote to the weepy extravaganza that ushered his rival Jay Leno into retirement last year.

冷风刮成表情帝 英女王冒严寒守岁

The February weather looked a tad too bracing for the Queen yesterday, who grimaced as she ventured out in a north-westerly wind and temperatures just above freezing for a service at West Newton Parish Church in Norfolk.


With memories of summer flings fading faster than their tan lines the singletons are bracing themselves for lower temperatures and a dip in their standards.


My father sneezed, and his father and his father's father before him were all men for whom a blat from the nose was every bit as bracing as a plunge into the snow following a sauna.


While experts say it's too soon to know how big the effects will be, lead researcher Aixue Hu said it's probably worth bracing for the worst-case scenario.

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