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The swimming commuter found the perfect way to keep his things dry while he is in the water – a special bag that is not only waterproof, but also fills up with air when you roll it shut, acting as a buoy.


Under the scorching sun, an old man sat by the bank staring at the buoy on the river.


" That trend, which has been detrimental to Apple's sales in China in particular, is helping buoy some of the top suppliers: not just those with brand names such as Sony, but also the companies investing in research and development to gain market share in niche or proprietary hardware.


Under the scorching sun,an old man sat by the bank staring at the buoy on the river.


Under the scorching sun, an old man sat by the bank staring at the buoy on the river.


A swimming teacher claims she is a human buoy - because she can float upright in water without sinking.


A new study finds that even gentle lunchtime strolls can perceptibly — and immediately — buoy people's moods and ability to handle stress at work.

英语小说: 金银岛-Chapter 29

And you can hear the chains a-jangle as you go about and reach for the other buoy.


Once this connection between ship and shore was made fast, a rescue buoy was carefully drawn through the rough, tumultuous sea, to the shore.

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