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Did he compute the efficient risk mitigating frontier?


Grab something they wrote, and compute their ratio.

英语小短文 children's numerical skills

people appear to born to compute.


He's showing it off at the Open Compute Project (OCP) Summit happening this week in San Francisco.


He told the Press Trust of India news agency that a 30-strong team would take about a month to make its observations and another 15 days to compute and declare its data.


More often, people ask for animal signs not to compute a person's exact numerical age, but to simply know who is older among friends and acquaintances.


Since the development of computer, people are able to use some kind of software to compute lots of complex functions and mathematical calculation.


- Doesn't quite compute, right?

通缩也许并不可怕 风险与机遇并存

With a good deal of effort you could compute the average temperature of the entire contents of the pond.


People appear to be born to compute.


" The research was supported by the Stephen and Anastasia Mysak Graduate Fellowship in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences, by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Discovery programme, by the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research (CIFAR) and by computing infrastructure provided by the Canadian Foundation for Innovation and Compute Canada.


Robert Lam, whose Eco2go was named last month as one of the 50 finalists for the top prizes, says he decided to develop his application, which helps users compute and reduce their carbon footprints, for the Android platform rather than the iPhone because it's so much easier.

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