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Those days when I can chat joyfully with people who I love inside a cosy restaurant with mouthwatering feast in front of us are long gone.


it`s a cosy harbour in the heart deeply.

Le Richer 巴黎的名厨咖啡屋

Behind this cosy café billing itself as a "gastrothèque" is Jody Williams, who opened a nearly identical restaurant in Greenwich Village in 2011 before realising that Paris could also benefit from a dose of old-fashioned French cooking.


A slightly daunting 380-plus pages, the book has plenty of cosy, sensible advice, such as treating staff well ("be a father to your workforce"), always do your best, focus on quality not price and so forth.


US researchers say that, unless you have superior relationship skills, your hopes of cosy coupledom are likely to be dashed.

一千零一夜:Fifth Voyage

When night came I slept sweetly in a cosy nook, though the remembrance that I was alone in a strange land made me sometimes start up and look around me in alarm, and then I wished heartily that I had stayed at home at ease.

安徒生童话英文版:The Dryad

Our room is a very cosy one, and through the open balcony door we have a view of a great square.

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