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The Mole was a good listener, and Toad, with no one to check his statements or to criticise in an unfriendly spirit, rather let himself go.


If you have to criticise someone, but you convey liking or respect at the same time, that person won't be so tempted to get defensive and dismiss your comments.


" Johnson was reluctant to criticise Trump, saying that it was "hard to categorise right now how I think he's doing".

《傲慢与偏见》第六章 第3节

Darcy had at first scarcely allowed her to be pretty; he had looked at her without admiration at the ball; and when they next met, he looked at her only to criticise.


But this minor act of generosity quickly turned into a major talking point on social media, where people were keen to criticise the PM from multiple angles.


You're a talented speaker who has a way with words — but you must use your words to uplift, rather than to criticise or put down.

英媒批小七咬奶嘴 小贝愤怒发文回击

David Beckham has told The Daily Mail it has "no right" to criticise his parenting skills after it published a piece questioning his "controversial" decision to allow his four year old daughter to use a dummy.

After a year still keep an eye on London

Detractors criticise its position.

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