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I don't think I ought to close without giving some deductions from my experience of eight years "on the dodge.

万物简史 第43期:埃文斯牧师的宇宙(7)

Zwicky's deductions concerning dark matter wouldn't attract serious attention for nearly four decades.


" As well as slashing costs for his own businesses, the new proposals will also cut the alternative minimum tax (AMT), a tax designed to stop the super-wealthy from taking so many tax deductions that they avoid paying anything.


Value-added tax will be simplified, more small and micro companies will enjoy income tax incentives, and proportion of pre-tax deductions for innovation-based tech companies will rise, according to a statement made public after the meeting.


" TAX CUT FOR GOOD DEEDS , Addressing the common complaint that businesses making large donations don't get enough tax concessions, the bill stipulates that if a company's donation exceeds the legal limit of deductions from its taxable income in one year, the balance can be deducted from taxable income in the following two years.

Gov't Campaign to Ensure Migrant Workers' Wages

Violations by employers such as wage deductions and delays are an old problem in China that has pressed the government to conduct such a yearly overhaul in recent years to protect workers' rights.

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