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There through dark doorways you look down flights of stone steps, overhung by great pink tufts of valerian and ending in a patch of sparkling blue water.


If Brownie Beaver and his friends had neglected their dam, they would have waked up some day and found that their pond was empty; and without any water to hide their doorways they would have been safe no longer.


We mustn't lurk in doorways, it's rude.


Here a number of the governor's guards were lounging about and several more (they were mostly wiping their mouths) came tumbling out of various doorways.

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In my case, the best position was as central as possible, preferably near open doorways.


Occasionally, doorways present a very real threat to your forehead.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(60)

Guests with drinks in hand were chatting in the hallways, smoking on the stairs, leaning against doorways.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(18)

Words were secret doorways and I held all the keys.


Cloud observed 10 "doorways" of learning that high performers go through, never to return again.


In my case, the best position was as central as possible, preferably near open doorways.

勃朗特一家的故事-1 霍沃斯

Some of them helped,but most of them just stood in their doorways and watched.

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