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Then it was on to Ibu Oka, renowned (as in, featured by Anthony Bourdain) for babi guleng, or roast suckling pig, for a 55,000-rupiah plate with meat so moist I'd call it swampy, doused with a peppery sauce and much ballyhooed pork skin that I found a bit too chewy.

动物保护运动热烈 要不要穿貂皮大衣

Or the shots of fur-clad ladies being doused in red paint in the streets by angry protesters?

中国北方美食漂洋过海 征服纽约

From Hubei Province, Henan's southern neighbor, comes re gan mian, or hot-dry noodles: muscular strands, clingy but not sticky, cooked the night before and doused with sesame oil, then cooked again and tumbled with sesame paste, salted chiles and scallions.

英语小说: 金银岛-Chapter 27

The jibs I speedily doused and brought tumbling to the deck, but the main-sail was a harder matter.

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