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迷人四月天:Chapter 4

Wilkins's desire to eat a sole Mellersh wasn't having—Mellersh at Calais had already begun to dwindle and seem less important.


The following lines best illustrate her poetic creativity, "The red must be getting thin, while the green is becoming plump";"I dwindle, thin as a golden flower";"spoiled willows and coquet flowers"; "willow-leave eyes and plum-colored cheeks".


3 percent against the dollar, as the sterling's strength continues to dwindle.

二孩时代:解决劳动力短缺 催热大房销售

The size of China's labor force aged 15 to 59, which has continued to dwindle since peaking at 940 million in 2012, is forecast to be 700 million in 2050, thanks to the two-child policy.


Walmart has remained the most-visited supermarket brand among shoppers surveyed by China Confidential over the past three years, even as multinational rivals such as Carrefour and Tesco have seen their popularity dwindle.

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