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With the high rate of enrollment, it is a good time to go to college to improvemyself.


And requiring English-language teaching was obviously a good move for the university: The Politecnico's international enrollment shot up.


Sarah Turner and Kelli Bird, University of Virginia economists, have found that the enrollment of undergraduate foreign students fluctuates with the economic growth and exchange rates of those students' countries of origin.

高考改革:将不分文理科 只考语数外

The Ministry of Education said on Thursday that it will continue its efforts to narrow the gap in college enrollment in different regions to ensure nationwide equality in higher education.


She nearly doubled the enrollment of black freshmen at Smith, largely by traveling to high schools in the nation's poorest ZIP codes to recruit.


Since it began, the program's enrollment has nearly doubled to 397, and last year the district moved Eagleridge to a strip mall (between a pizza joint and a laser-tag arcade).

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