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For in the first hour of meeting you, I had an impression of your eminent and perhaps exclusive fitness to supply that need (connected, I may say, with such activity of the affections as even the preoccupations of a work too special to be abdicated could not uninterruptedly dissimulate); and each succeeding opportunity for observation has given the impression an added depth by convincing me more emphatically of that fitness which I had preconceived, and thus evoking more decisively those affecti


Like the poet Tao Qian, whom he took as his model, Lu depicted the rural countryside in homely detail, evoking its moods and scenes through fresh and precise imagery.


Merriam-Webster writes that he may have been evoking cats, given that they are "green-eyed creatures who toy with their prey before killing it.


It would be the first of several speeches Obama would give evoking the memory of his diverse family, weaved in between a greater, more prophetic vision of America.


The tower will be slender, evoking the image of a minaret, and will be anchored to the ground with sturdy cables, Emaar said.


But its directors, Morgan Neville and Robert Gordon, present their ideas with a wide scope, exploring the rivalry between their subjects and evoking an era when public intellectuals like Vidal appeared on "Playboy After Dark" and magazine editors like Buckley, the founder of National Review, ran for mayor of New York.

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You're here now, with a fistful of skewers in loose foil, smoky, salty and heady with cumin and chile: a talonlike whole green pepper, longer than the stick it's impaled on and crazily hot; string beans cut into two-inch clips and speared horizontally, evoking vertebrae; beautifully tender little chicken hearts, lean and closer to steak than chicken; nubs of translucent beef tendon, to work the jaw; cauliflower freckled with char; a squid's snaking arm.

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