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But Sir James came in again, ready to accompany Dorothea to the Grange, and she finished her expedition well, not swerving in her resolution until she descended at her own door.


THE RETURN OF ULYSSES When it began to grow dark, the Rat, with an air of excitement and mystery, summoned them back into the parlour, stood each of them up alongside of his little heap, and proceeded to dress them up for the coming expedition.


Then the murmur of the approaching weir began to hold the air, and they felt a consciousness that they were nearing the end, whatever it might be, that surely awaited their expedition.


When they were quite ready, the now triumphant Toad led his companions to the paddock and set them to capture the old grey horse, who, without having been consulted, and to his own extreme annoyance, had been told off by Toad for the dustiest job in this dusty expedition.


"Have you observed the expedition with which new buildings are being run up in New York?


Disapproves of the whole expedition.


Tom lay upon a sofa with an eager auditory about him and told the history of the wonderful adventure, putting in many striking additions to adorn it withal; and closed with a description of how he left Becky and went on an exploring expedition; how he followed two avenues as far as his kite-line would reach; how he followed a third to the fullest stretch of the kite-line, and was about to turn back when he glimpsed a far-off speck that looked like daylight; dropped the line and groped toward it,


They lay around in the shade, after breakfast, while Huck had a smoke, and then went off through the woods on an exploring expedition.


In fact, most people knew that theworld was round,but nautical experts thought thatColumbus had estimated the distancefrom Europe to Asia to be much toosmall,They thought that he would only makeit halfway there before running out ofanyone to give him the money heHis idea was rejected in Portugal,Then he went to Spain in 1486 and triedto nersuade Kina Ferdinand and EoupenIsabella to finance his expedition, but they were at war and did not havetime or money for exploration.


Expedition company Adventures Overland is hoping you'll say yes to its new organized bus trip, which will ferry travelers from the Indian metropolis of Delhi to the UK capital of London -- no airplanes involved.

旅游英语:青海 Qinghai

The Qaidam, once been prosperous as the ancient Silk Road stretching across much of its length, is an idea place for expedition.


Although the main objective of his expedition was not achieved,he documented the cultures and lifestyles of the peoples of the Western Regions,and for the first time,the Chinese emperor was informed about India,the Middle East and even some European countries.


The team had set out nine motion-sensitive cameras in an area where Takahashi saw what he thought was a yeti during a previous expedition in 2003.

美文——Hit the trail

Chuck joined us and led the expedition.


Marco Polo returned from his famous expedition with fruit-flavored ices, reporting that Asians had been making them for thousands of years.

为躲避气旋 雪龙号科考船驶入南大洋浮冰区

The icebreaker carried a research team set sail from Shanghai on November 2, beginning the country's 35th Antarctic expedition which will last 162 days and cover 37,000 nautical miles.


The team has sketched out plans for and conducted small-scale tests of a blimp-like airship that would ferry a crew of two on a month-long expedition above the Venusian cloudtops.


Vodaphone Germany, Nokia, and Audi are working on a mobile network and robotic vehicles that are part of a private expedition to the moon, timed to coincide with the 50th anniversary year of the first manned lunar landing.


It stars Natalie Portman as a biologist who puts her name forward for an expedition that will take her and a team of other individuals into an environmental disaster zone.


Icebreaker Xuelong left Shanghai to begin the country's 34th Antarctic expedition.

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