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He was constantly offending Dirk Stroeve so bitterly that he flung away, vowing he would never speak to him again; but there was a solid force in Strickland that attracted the fat Dutchman against his will, so that he came back, fawning like a clumsy dog, though he knew that his only greeting would be the blow he dreaded.


At last, like a courtier fawning on the royal stick that is laid about his shoulders, he prides himself on the sensitiveness of his conscience.


He was on an island with gorgeous woman fawning all over him.


Oh, sure, there's the endless compliments and fawning adoration, but really, why complain?


" "You may regard this piece of jade as a treasure," said Zi Han, " :", but I do not accept other's fawning, nor do I regard this kind of conduct a treasure.


And in general, flattery reflects positively on the flatterer, even if the fawning is insincere.


She crouched low like a fawning dog.

英语小说:金银岛-Chapter 02

As soon as I was back again he returned to his former manner, half fawning, half sneering, patted me on the shoulder, told me I was a good boy and he had taken quite a fancy to me.

伊索寓言:The Ass and the Lap-Dog

He often lamented his own hard fate, and contrasted it with the luxury and idleness of the Lap-dog, till at last one day he broke his halter, and galloped into his master's house, kicking up his heels without measure, and frisking and fawning as well as he could.

伊索寓言:The Dog and the Hare

A Hound, having started a Hare on the hill-side, pursued her for some distance, at one time biting her with his teeth as if he would take her life, and at another time fawning upon her, as if in play with another dog.

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