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"This is brilliant and absurd," one person tweeted, while another said the shoes "seem like scuba fins.

万物简史 第3期:引言(3)

8 billion years you have abhorred oxygen and then doted on it, ,38,,, grown fins and limbs and jaunty sails, laid eggs, flicked the air with a forked tongue, been sleek, been furry, 、,,,、, lived underground, lived in trees, been as big as a deer and as small as a mouse, and a million things more.


You are not getting cold fins now, are you?


Tuning was done with a variable capacitor, also wholly mechanical — a stack of fins that intermeshed in concert with your knob-turning to change the capacitance, which, in combination with a tight coil of wire, determined the frequency you heard.


By resting their pectoral fins in special grooves along the sides of their bodies, they present a streamlined profile to the current.

安徒生童话英文版:The Great Sea-Serpent

" "I wouldn't make a stroke with my fins to get at something to know," said the others, and turned away.

安徒生童话英文版:The Ice Maiden-XV

The oars divided the pliant water like the fins of a fish—that water which, with all its yielding softness, is so strong to bear and to carry, so mild and smiling when at rest, and yet so terrible in its destroying power.

安徒生童话英文版-11 The Little Mermaid

Many nights she stood by the open window, looking up through the dark blue water, and watching the fish as they splashed about with their fins and tails.

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