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According to cosmetic dermatologist Sam Bunting, pores are the visible end of a flimsy funnel – otherwise known as the sebaceous gland duct – that transports sebum, an oily substance that helps keep the skin and hair moisturised, to the skin's surface and is held in its upright position by the "scaffolding" protein collagen.


The researchers, from the University of Queensland and Monash University, travelled to Fraser Island in Australia to hunt for and capture three potentially deadly Australian funnel web spiders.


To urinate, they use a funnel attached to a hose that can be adapted for a sitting or standing position, and uses air to move urine away.


And there's the simple fact that universities funnel central government money through staff salaries, student loans and other sources of local spending.


The study was based on analysis of a "beer-making tool kit" that includes a funnel, shards of pots and amphorae, and a pottery stove that would have been used for mashing.


Australia – box jelly fish, saltwater crocodile, Sydney funnel web, taipan snake - 、、、 Saltwater crocodiles are the largest living reptiles on the planet - some reaching over 20 feet in length.


All the energy we put into contentious relationships, if you funnel all that energy back into yourself, everything works out.

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