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The words were not exactly a hymn, but they certainly fitted his Sunday experience:— "O me, O me, what frugal cheer My love doth feed upon!


Who was ever awe struck about a testator, or sang a hymn on the title to real property?


—it was a hymn to the beauty of the human form, male and female, and the praise of Nature, sublime, indifferent, lovely, and cruel.


A moving hymn was sung, and the text followed: "I am the Resurrection and the Life.


The minister gave out the hymn, and read it through with a relish, in a peculiar style which was much admired in that part of the country.


The line comes from a seventh century Buddhist hymn by Prince Nagaya, a politician from the Nara period (710 – 794) of Japan, titled "Embroidered on Kasaya Robes for Good Karma": 7《》,(710-794).


" As he took his chair, the song leader stood and announced with a smile, "For our closing hymn, let us sing number 365:" "Shall We Gather at the River.

仇 恨(节选) Hate(Excerpt)

Themother of three sons who had been shot by the Nazis for an act of sabotage they did notcommit set fire to the fuse while a choir sang a solemn hymn of gratitude.


Chua was given the nickname "Tiger Mom" for her book, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, published in 2011, which includes the details of her strict parenting methods of raising her daughters.


《》"": Amy Chua, 48, started a firestorm when she published her memoir, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother.

经典英语散文 父爱无边

We learned the words to the hymn when we were very young, and would sing it with Dad when he would play and sing.


It was still in the woods, so very still; and he fell on his knees, sung his evening hymn, and said: "I cannot find what I seek; the sun is going down, and night is coming--the dark, dark night.


We learned the words to the hymn when we were very young, and would sing it with Dad when he would play and sing.


Sessions began with a 10-minute "spiritual" introduction, in which the 98 participants discussed topics such as "happiness", or sang a song or hymn.


" No hymn lifts my heart higher than the morning call of the bobwhite to the long fluting cry of sandhill cranes out of the sky at dusk.

the BELL钟声

It was still in the woods,so very still; and he fell on his knees, sung his evening hymn, and said: "I cannot find what I seek; the sun is going down, and night is coming——the dark,dark night.


You will learn far more about leadership from reading Thucydides's hymn to Pericles than you will from a thousand leadership experts.

安徒生童话英文版:The New Century's Goddess

The nations' heartbeats are but letters in the endless alphabet of mankind' s growth; she grasps each letter with equal lovingness, and ranges all in words, and weaves her words into rhythms for her Age' s Hymn.

安徒生童话英文版:The Bishop of Børglum and His Warriors

The incense rises in clouds, and the monks chant the funeral hymn.

安徒生童话英文版:The Old Bachelor’s Nightcap

Only a faint glimmer of light struggled through the horn panes in the little window on the roof, while within sat the old clerk, generally on his bed, singing his evening hymn in a low voice; or he would be moving about in his booth till late in the night, busily employed in many things.

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