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" "My darling, don't talk nonsense," said Lydgate, in an imploring tone; "surely I am the person to judge for you.


" "I beseech you to speak quite plainly," said Dorothea, in an imploring tone.


Fred followed her with his eyes, hoping that they would meet hers, and in that way find access for his imploring penitence.


"I'm all right, really," said Bobbie, and she telegraphed to her Mother from her swollen eyes this brief, imploring message—"NOT before the others!


Her thin little body trembled from head to foot; her face flushed and her eyes dilated until they were almost black; she clasped her hands tightly and said in an imploring voice: "Oh, please, Miss Cuthbert, won't you tell me if you are going to send me away or not?


Her mother's tears and imploring entreaties availed not.


She meant her tone to be stately and majestic, as usual, but it sounded more like an imploring whine.


If they were to take her advice, they would join Lucy Kellaway, the Financial Times columnist, who last week announced that after 31 years she was retraining to become a maths teacher — and imploring others in their 40s, 50s and older to follow suit.

The Story of Two Sisters Who Were Jealous of Their Younger Sister

But the poor lady was so much beloved at Court that not even the dread of sharing her fate could prevent the grand-vizir and the courtiers from throwing themselves at the Sultan's feet and imploring him not to inflict so cruel a punishment for what, after all, was not her fault.

The Story of Ali Colia, Merchant of Bagdad

Ali Cogia made a low bow, and pleaded his cause point by point; concluding by imploring the Cadi not to inflict on him such a heavy loss.

一千零一夜:Noureddin and the Fair Persian

Recognising him at once in spite of his disguise, he threw himself at his feet imploring forgiveness.

The Story of the Three Calenders, Sons of Kings, and of Five Ladies of Bagdad

He ended by imploring Zobeida not to confound the innocent with the guilty and to spare his life.

伊索寓言:The Tortoise and the Two Ducks

On her imploring their help, they made her grasp a stick with her mouth, and so they bore her aloft.

安徒生童话英文版:The Story of a Mother

" "Give me back my child," said the mother, weeping and imploring; and she seized two beautiful flowers in her hands, and cried to Death, "I will tear up all your flowers, for I am in despair.

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