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Farebrother's induction to the living clearly was.


The singer visited following the induction of her hit Christmas song "All I Want for Christmas is You" in the 2023 National Recording Registry, according to Library officials.

心结未解?雷阿伦 不期望得到凯尔特人队友的祝福

In an interview ahead of Allen's induction into the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame on Friday, Allen said "I don't expect to" receive congratulatory messages from former Boston teammates like Kevin Garnett or Rajon Rondo.

名人励志英语演讲 第16期:我们唯一害怕的是害怕本身(1)

my fellow Americans expect that on my induction in the Presidency ,, I will address them with a candor and a decision which the present situation of our people impels.

Jay Z入选创作人名人堂 成说唱界第一人

A handful of artists who are considered to have "enriched the world's culture" with their songwriting and music are selected for induction every year.


" With their induction into the IAF, the women had put to an end the prolonged debate over women involvement in combat roles.

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The device utilizes an infrared ray induction system, which detects the presence of hands.

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Cook, who recently revealed he was gay, spoke out against discrimination of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual communities during his induction into the Alabama Academy of Honor last year.


That's the reality of the nPower PEG, a personal energy generator that, like battery-less flashlights which require shaking to produce energy, puts Michael Faraday's Principle of Electromagnetic Induction to work to create a totally renewable energy source for charging your handheld electronic devices.

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