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In order to resist Japanese pirates, he innovated a series of military reforms.


Japan has created some interesting and innovated products like selfie sticks, Bento lunchboxes and now, wood noodles.


While we are prepared to accept that some Chinese companies have innovated to a significant extent, we are less ready to believe that this means that the longstanding habit of copying is dead, as the title of the book suggests.


"Dramatic twists are more frequent in K-dramas, while urban love stories, a common theme, are often innovated by, for example, adding an alien," says Ma.

培根散文随笔集 论变更

It were good therefore, that men in their innovations, would follow the example of time itself; which indeed innovated greatly, but quietly, and by degrees, scarce to be perceived: for otherwise, whatsoever is new, is unlocked for; and ever it mends some, and pairs other: and he that is holpen, takes it for a fortune, and thanks the time; and he that is hurt, for a wrong, and imputeth it to the author.

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