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精品英语文摘:Let a miracle happen 让奇迹发生吧

She arrived at school insufficiently dressed for the bitterly cold weather.


" "A particularly encouraging finding was that a physical activity frequency as low as one or two sessions per week was associated with lower mortality risks, even in the insufficiently active.


Nnaemeka has described as "the unexotic underclass" — single mothers, the white rural poor, veterans, out-of-work Americans over 50 — who, she explains, have the "misfortune of being insufficiently interesting.


Its app simply tracks how much water is in the bottle (in case you can't see through its transparent side), its temperature (in case holding the cup was insufficiently precise), how much water you have consumed and — for fans of pointless statistics — how many minutes you have spent drinking and how many sips you have taken that day.


But this is because education is excessively specialist, not because it is insufficiently vocational.


One of them, Laird Durley, wrote that students insufficiently motivated to write something extra for a school "probably shouldn't go to those schools anyway," and he rued the extent to which simply gaining admission to a school with a fancy name — any school with a fancy name — ruled the day.

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