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网文:Scientific Theories(科学理论)

A good example of this is found in the kinetic molecular theory, in which gases are pictured as being made up of many small particles that are in constant motion.


There have been kinematic and kinetic analyses that show how barefoot runners generate smaller collision forces as they move than those wearing sneakers.


While in the air, gravity pulls us down, which generates a lot of kinetic energy.


That's because there are devices on it that 'harvest kinetic energy'.


This harvested kinetic energy will then be converted into electricity and will power street lamps and bluetooth transmitters for the London street.


The first stage rocket of one of its Falcon 9 launchers, having successfully lofted cargo to the International Space Station, managed to turn itself around, bleed off the enormous kinetic energy it had acquired while its main engines were burning, fly back down to Earth and land vertically - with balletic precision - on a rather tiny looking robotic barge floating somewhere in the Atlantic.


A 1971 segment of the British television show "Tomorrow's World" featured James Burke contemplating desktop diversions like kinetic sculpture and a motorized drink holder on the executive floor of the BBC.


The kinetic energy from this movement is harvested to deliver charge at the same rate as a wall charger.

英语名人名言:Engineering 工程技术

Fish, 1941 Engineering is the science of economy, of conserving the energy, kinetic and potential, provided and stored up by nature for the use of man.

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