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They found that the thickness of their medial temporal lobe was inversely correlated with how sedentary they were; the subjects who reported sitting for longer periods had the thinnest medial temporal lobes.


The temporal lobes are on either side of the brain, near the temples.


They found that the thickness of their medial temporal lobe was inversely correlated with how sedentary they were; the subjects who reported sitting for longer periods had the thinnest medial temporal lobes.


The temporal lobes are on either side of the brain, near the temples.


" Another said the plastic prevents the piercing from stretching too much and can stop you from having saggy lobes later in life.


"These kids' frontal temporal lobes are barely formed," Gillespie says; as teachers, she and her peers "are trying to open their minds, to see complexities and tensions.

安徒生童话英文版:The Drop of Water

"I must give them color, that they may be seen more plainly," said he; and he poured something like a little drop of red wine into the drop of water, but it was witches' blood from the lobes of the ear, the finest kind, at ninepence a drop.

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