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Fred did not enter into formal reasons, which are a very artificial, inexact way of representing the tingling returns of old habit, and the caprices of young blood: but there was lurking in him a prophetic sense that evening, that when he began to play he should also begin to bet—that he should enjoy some punch-drinking, and in general prepare himself for feeling "rather seedy" in the morning.


Minchin might be better able to detect it lurking and to circumvent it.

迷人四月天:Chapter 13

Wilkins would be lurking in the top garden waiting to waylay her when she went out, and would hail her with morning cheerfulness.

绿山墙的安妮:CHAPTER 35

All the Beyond was hers with its possibilities lurking rosily in the oncoming years—each year a rose of promise to be woven into an immortal chaplet.


From the corner of your eye you are aware that it is lurking over yonder in a spot where there was nothing but pale purity a moment ago.


A: That jungle has danger lurking around every corner.

直面内在的敌人 Facing the Enemies Within

Fear is one of the many enemies lurking inside us.


Don't forget that item you found lurking at the back of your closet may well be considered on trend again now.


With the constant lurking danger of being tagged in an unflattering photo and our fat days being broadcast for all to see, social media sites have become a huge weight loss trigger for many of us.

Facing the Enemies Within 直面内在的敌人

Fear is one of the many enemies lurking inside us.


Most of them are watching Independence Day fireworks, but it appears that frequent visitors of the Upside Down, Eleven and Will, are preoccupied with whatever's lurking behind them.


In a speech for Anti-Bullying Week, William touched upon the threats and dangers lurking behind the screen.


One underwater swimmer was shocked to discover a shark lurking behind them .


There are warnings about the risks ahead, lurking dangers that could lead to the global economy falling short of the IMF's forecasts, in addition to the concerns about trade.

乔布斯传 第91期:伟大的艺术家窃取灵感(3)

Of course, on a computer screen there are no layers of pixels underneath the pixels that you see, so there are no windows actually lurking underneath the ones that appear to be on top.

乔布斯传 第33期:非里德学院不读(4)

Jobs began warning friends of the mucus dangers lurking in their bagels.


But here's the problem: moments pass, and lurking just around the corner from those moments is a cruel, unshaven bastard named reality.


With the constant lurking danger of being tagged in an unflattering photo and our fat days being broadcast for all to see, social media sites have become a huge weight loss trigger for many of us.


It's also difficult to know what germs are lurking in an airline's pillows and blankets.

读新闻坏处太多 少读可能更快乐

That's the underlying risk that has been lurking, and could lurk in other bridges.

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