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关于林肯的五个流言 你知道几个

In light of the Archives melee, historians should re-examine the thousands of pardons Lincoln issued to weigh their authenticity and balance them against the death sentences he did allow.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(211)

Behind us, kids were scampering, and a melee of screaming kite runners was chasing the loose kite drifting high above the trees.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(36)

I heard footfalls, shouts, an approaching melee of kite runners.

The Kite Runner 追风筝的人(13)

A "chapandaz", a highly skilled horseman usually patronized by rich aficionados, has to snatch a goat or cattle carcass from the midst of a melee, carry that carcass with him around the stadium at full gallop, and drop it in a scoring circle while a team of other "chapandaz" chases him and does everything in its power--kick, claw, whip, punch--to snatch the carcass from him.

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