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We can make progress towards these opportunities only by standing on the shoulders of experts -- our mentors, partners and many incredible people whose contributions built these fields.


Among the respondents with anxiety or depression, only half agreed that their immediate mentors provided "real" mentorship.

乔布斯传 第115期:设计--大道至简(2)

Like his mentors Walter Gropius and Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, ···, Bayer believed that there should be no distinction between fine art and applied industrial design.


Among the respondents with anxiety or depression, only half agreed that their immediate mentors provided "real" mentorship.


To encourage program fellows to stay in rural schools, the foundation has pledged to provide online and offline refresher courses, and allocate mentors to advise on teaching and career development.


It gives them $100,000 in seed money and access to some of the Valley's greatest technologists as mentors.


" When trying to stop a bad habit, it helps to surround yourself with people--inspirational speakers or leaders, mentors, family and friends--who embody the same behaviors and discipline you want to live by.


Model yourself on your mentors Lastly, it's as simple as looking back at your favorite past managers (or even teachers) and asking yourself what it was that made them stand out.


Always Have a Reserve One of my early mentors said, "a true leader always has a reserve.


Your Parents Parents can be supportive mentors when it comes to financial advice.


Many of the courses … are taught by alumni, who act as mentors and advisers," he says.


" If you feel it's appropriate, ask mentors or confidantes at work about the typical salary for others in your position and what the usual next step up the career ladder is, says Mr.


One of the best mentors I ever had used to tell me that the best way to make decisions was to listen to your gut.


There are all kinds of mentors, and it's worth the effort to find more than one.


Even with self-discipline, in the long run, you'll need contact with kindred spirits and mentors.


Even with self-discipline, in the long run, you'll need contact with kindred spirits and mentors.


Sometimes people have a better time, or easier time because they have good mentors or they knew the right people or joined the right clubs or had the right connections.


This could be a peer, friend or spouse, but colleagues or mentors tend to work best with work-related goals.


Schedule a meeting with your mentors and to get reactions to your plan, as well as advice for achieving it.

期盼2015 新年伊始一定要做的5件事

They may be role models, mentors, referral sources or even new partners.

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