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迷人四月天:Chapter 8

And when, melodiously obstinate, she had insisted on going off to entomb herself in Italy for a whole month with queer people she had got out of an advertisement, refusing even to take her maid, the only explanation her friends could imagine was that poor Scrap—such was her name among them—had overdone it and was feeling a little nervy.

气熏天却不自知? 日本发明体臭检测器

So if you feel that too much cologne is just as bad as the musky smell of perspiration, you can use the handheld device to check if you've overdone it with the perfume.


But the chicken is a bit overdone.


Step 1 WEAR CLOTHES THAT FIT I believe that long, oversized tops and slim pants were overdone.


Wander around Hong Kong's Harbour City on any given weekend, and among the crowds thronging the shopping mall, talk of a downturn might appear overdone.


Mr Cave's repeated claim that the quest for immortality drives every human activity feels overdone.

安徒生童话英文版:The Marsh King’s Daughter

Inquiries had been made in every by-way that could be thought of, until at last the wise and learned men has asserted, as we have been already told, that "love, the life-giver, could alone give new life to a father;" and in saying this, they had overdone it, and said more than they understood themselves.

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