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Dr Baumann said this appreciation of a darker complexion in women is "less common" but "appears to coexist with a view of such women as more overtly sexual.


The company behind Snapchat, the disappearing message service headquartered a stone's thrown from Los Angeles' tawdry Venice Beach, has long revelled in its non-Silicon Valley vibe: more streetwise, less overtly techie, and out to spawn fun rather than change the world.


I was also a fighter so people didn't dare make fun of me overtly, at least before growth spurts kicked in and the playing field was still even.


Instead of making the jewelry overtly political, like the beaded equivalent of a "Vote for Bernie Sanders" pin, Posavec and Quick's Air Transformed spur you to action—by making you physically uncomfortable.


Although it is a less overtly political film than Jia Zhangke's recent controversial project A Touch of Sin, Black Coal, Thin Ice does offer a similarly dark and direct portrait of one of the less fashionable corners of China, at a less attractive time of year.

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