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Taking a deep drag on his cigarette while resting on the steering wheel of his truck, he looks like a parody of a middle-aged lorry driver.


Faced with what many decried as another example of Apple hubris, social networks lit up in a mix of bewilderment, outrage and parody.


, Theranos' finger-prick blood test) or read as parody (but, sadly, are not — such as the $99 "vessel" that monitors your water intake and tells you when you should drink more water).


The award ceremony - which the science humour magazine "Annals of Improbable Research" gives in 10 categories as a parody of the Nobel Prizes - was held at Harvard University's Sanders Theatre.


Domestic superhero parody film Jian Bing Man (《》) has just become the sixth Chinese film in history to net more than 1 billion yuan at the box office.


Letterman joined CBS in 1993, a year after HBO introduced "The Larry Sanders Show," a behind-the-scenes parody of "The Tonight Show" that starred Garry Shandling as an insecure, self-absorbed talk-show host.


Which perhaps explains why I immediately thought of Judge's parody of life in techland as I read the real-life news last week that the social app Secret was shutting down after only 16 months.

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