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名人励志英语演讲 第29期:为理想我愿献出生命(3)

I salute General Secretary Joe Slovo, one of our finest patriots.


On Monday, at Arlington Cemetery, I'll join our Gold Star families, veterans, and their loved ones to remember all our fallen heroes, including the more than 2,200 American patriots who gave their lives in Afghanistan.


They were patriots, like my grandfather who served in Patton's Army—soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, coast guard, merchant marines—and the women of the WACs and the WAVES and every branch.


The Super Bowl spot for Ted 2, Seth MacFarlane's sequel to his 2012 comedy about a childhood toy come to life, doesn't just follow up on the fertility plot introduced in the trailer released earlier this week, but also ties in to recent events thanks to a glowing cameo from New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady that was, surprisingly, worked out well in advance of the "Deflategate" scandal that's engulfed his team in the weeks leading up to the big game.

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