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) But when it comes to our original second question pertaining to the idea that the fairer sex is more likely to lie about it due to societal double standards, one wonders if the modern woman has just become more open about her transgressions than in the past?


These study participants filled out self-report surveys pertaining to childhood adversity, sense of shame, creative experiences, proneness to fantasies, anxiety, and level of engagement in an activity.


With this information, you will be able to make better decisions pertaining to the use of dietary supplements when and while you are pregnant.


、 Postsecondary area, ethnic, and cultural studies teachers teach courses pertaining to the culture and development of an area, an ethnic group, or any other group.


Despite the extreme importance of a person's skin, the reality is that many men and women simply do not pay a great deal of attention to issues pertaining to the health of their skin.

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