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As a literary work, the book vividly portrays the landscapes amid narration, hence imbuing it with a strong real-life flavor.


The Bonds of Matrimony), which realistically portrays an unhappy contemporary marriage, was attributed to him by some scholars.

Touch Me 抚摸我

My face portrays my evolution.

自恋没药治 相处需谨慎

- Highly competitive in virtually all aspects of his life, believing he (or she) possesses special qualities and abilities that others lack; portrays himself as a winner and all others as losers.


The most important thing to focus on is ensuring your answer portrays a positive side of you.

《越狱》启动重拍 米帅有望回归

Miller portrays the character of Captain Cold, while Purcell was cast for the role of Heat Wave, both them villains in their own right.

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