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I will merely indicate things which he does and which I think he ought not to do, postponing my suggestions for "planting" the times which I shall have cleared—as a settler clears spaces in a forest.


Holding the Olympics in Tokyo but postponing them by a few months would be unlikely to satisfy North American broadcasters, whose schedules are full in the fall with American pro football, college football, European soccer, basketball, baseball and ice hockey.


Cars and durable goods are moving down, perhaps indicating that consumers are postponing big-ticket purchases.

兹卡病毒传播范围扩大 速度加快

Pregnant women, in no matter which trimester, should talk to their doctors if they must travel to countries where Zika infections have been found, and if the trip is not essential, they should consider postponing it.


The circumstantial advantages you have in view by postponing it, are not only uncertain, but they are small in comparison with the thing itself, the being married and settled.


Loken was happy to return to his parents' home in Oslo, after an airline strike canceled his homecoming flight, postponing his return by a day.


Some people favor postponing the retirement age.


We are plagued by feelings of inadequateness and worthlessness, postponing self-acceptance and self-love until a day in the future when we're thinner, wealthier, more confident and more popular.

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