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" said Cyrus Harding, "should a day arrive when the sea, rushing through the wall of the cavern, penetrates by the central shaft into the interior of the island to the boiling lava, Lincoln Island will that day be blown into the air—just as would happen to the island of Sicily were the Mediterranean to precipitate itself into Mount Etna.

减肥运动相关口语表达 第48期:别让自己置身食物堆中

"Mere exposure to the sight and smell of palatable food is sufficient to precipitate loss of dieting motivation,"the researchers conclude.


"Gender-based discrimination towards girls doesn't simply prevent them from being born, it may also precipitate the death of those who are born," said Guilmoto.


You can still get them, but the Classic did not precipitate a rush back to knobs.


Depression is not an elite disorder — it is widespread and many aspects of the lives of the less privileged and lower paid can precipitate mental illness.


If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.


A large Rosneft rouble bond deal earlier this month was criticised by some in Moscow as having helped to precipitate the rouble's collapse last week.

培根散文随笔集 论野心

As for the having of them obnoxious to ruin, if they be of fearful natures, it may do well: but if they be stout, and daring, it may precipitate their designs, and prove dangerous.

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