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旅游英语:兵马俑 Terra Cotta Warriors

Important to the study of Qin technology was the discovery of bronze arrow-heads and swords treated with a preservative that has prevented erosion for 22 centuries.


But the food product contains plenty of unhealthy ingredients, including MSG and the chemical preservative tertiary-butylhydroquinone (TBHQ), and is also high in saturated fat.


Overusing mascara Waterproof varieties often contain parabens, a preservative many people find irritates their eyes.

宿醉如何解酒 专家说起床再喝一杯

In high doses methanol can make people go blind or even die because the body converts it to formaldehyde, a poison used as a preservative in some laboratories.

培根散文随笔集 论友谊

For the first; the best preservative to keep the mind in health, is the faithful admonition of a friend.


" 6、 Many chicken nuggets at fast food restaurants contain a chemical preservative called TBHQ, which can cause nausea, vomiting and even death.

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