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In doing so, we can beat the pros to the punchline and get in on an investment before the rest of the world realizes its potential.


I didn't laugh when she was telling jokes, mainly because she can't tell jokes and always mess up the punchline, it's also because I didn't love her anymore, but I tried to crack a smile as hard as it was.


Punchline: There are many charming, attractive people who are better admired at a distance.


I didn't laugh when she was telling jokes, mainly because she can't tell jokes and always mess up the punchline, it's also because I didn't love her anymore, but I tried to crack a smile as hard as it was.


You move fast and talk faster, but no one minds because they're hanging on your every word waiting for the next punchline!


Britain's resurgence as an Olympic nation, its near-primacy in Rio trace-able to funds from a lottery he set up in 1994, polishes off his arc from national punchline to quiet respectability to the last retired prime minister who can walk into a pub without provoking a wince of pity or a citizen's arrest.


You move fast and talk faster, but no one minds because they're hanging on your every word waiting for the next punchline!

Final Goodbye

I thought he was setting me up for a joke, and I awaited the punchline - there wasn't one.


To us out here in the parts of the world that are not the rarefied halls of Oxford and Cambridge Universities, I guess Stephen Hawking has always been the misshapen figure in the wheelchair, the owner of that robotic American voice, the world-renowned physicist, the best-selling author, The Simpsons' guest star, and the punchline to a hundred lousy stand-up comedians jokes.


But if the punchline does eventually make her laugh it will be worth the wait.

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