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迷人四月天:Chapter 8

"She is not my mother," repudiated Lady Caroline angrily; and her anger sounded like the regretful wail of a melodious orphan.


In her babyhood Aglaia herself repudiated the name, as far as common use went, and persisted in calling herself "Dums.


Fear of her insulted, repudiated clan.

乔布斯传 第129期:年度机器

" It was a richly reported piece, but also harsh at times ,, so harsh that Moritz (after he wrote a book about Apple and went on to be a partner in the venture firm Sequoia Capital with Don Valentine) (,·) repudiated it by complaining that his reporting had been "siphoned, filtered, and poisoned with gossipy benzene by an editor in New York "、, whose regular task was to chronicle the wayward world of rock-and-roll music.

中国历史名人:Hu Shi胡适

He was engaged in the study of the history of vernacular literature and textual research of novels in zhanghui style, writing A History of Vernacular Literature (first volume), and textual research works on A Dream of Red Mansions, Heroes of the Marshes and Flowers in the Mirror, among which Textual Research on A Dream of Red Mansions repudiated the old Hongloumeng scholarship concerned with searching for hidden meanings by delving into the abstruse and inaugurated the new school of studies of H


He got to know the fact from his wife and then repudiated her.

双语: 詹姆士•麦迪逊

The New England Federalists who had opposed the war--and who had even talked secession--were so thoroughly repudiated that Federalism disappeared as a national party.

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