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The clear spring morning, the scent of the moist earth, the fresh leaves just showing their creased-up wealth of greenery from out their half-opened sheaths, seemed part of the cheerfulness she was feeling from a long conversation with Mr.


It was one of those gray mornings after light rains, which become delicious about twelve o'clock, when the clouds part a little, and the scent of the earth is sweet along the lanes and by the hedgerows.


"And at least you go through wide corridors and have the scent of rose-leaves everywhere.


Casaubon's,—taking it in as eagerly as she might have taken in the scent of a fresh bouquet after a dry, hot, dreary walk.


"It is strange how deeply colors seem to penetrate one, like scent.


"I do it for Mother sometimes," said Bobbie—"not milk, of course, but scent, or vinegar and water.


Follow the rich scent of baking bread through a Moroccan medina, and you may find yourself at one of the communal neighborhood ovens called ferran.


Walk the streets of San Salvador, and you'll never be far from the toasted-corn scent of cooking pupusas.

迷人四月天:Chapter 22

No one had noticed how many acacias there were till one day the garden was full of a new scent, and there were the delicate trees, the lovely successors to the wistaria, hung all over among their trembling leaves with blossom.

迷人四月天:Chapter 16

And meanwhile the beautiful golden days were dropping gently from the second week one by one, equal in beauty with those of the first, and the scent of beanfields in flower on the hillside behind the village came across to San Salvatore whenever the air moved.


This is a pretty and non-offensive citrus-blackberry scent.


Fresh oranges may also emit sweet orange scent, are firm and can be heavy for their size.

美文——Hit the trail

" The air was sweet with the scent of autumn.


One had a scent of fruit & violet, the other blazed up, a flotilla of lips on the lawn.


The odors of her house surprised me, as the sweet scent of vanilla met us when she opened the door.


Each scent was inspired by nature and comes in a white ceramic pot, designed by Marc Newson.


GPS They are able to follow their own scent trails for miles to retrace their steps, and if the wind is right, they can even use their owners' scent as well.


Sliced by your friendly neighborhood aunties and uncles: : Great for toast: : Also can be paired with Ice cream in what is known as an 'Icecream Sandwich:' ,"": Nostalgia with a slight sweetness and the comforting scent of a mild burn: .


Cats have scent glands in two places: their faces and paws.


Party a lot… ······ Drugs are legal… ······ Guns are legal… ······ Prostitution is legal… ······ Many Canadian shopping malls are full of the scent of cinnamon.

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