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" He fell into meditation and finger-rhetoric again for a little while, and then continued: "I shall make Brooke have new agreements with the tenants, and I shall draw up a rotation of crops.


"Chettam, now," he replied; "he finds fault with me, my dear; but I should not preserve my game if it were not for Chettam, and he can't say that that expense is for the sake of the tenants, you know.


I do think one is bound to do the best for one's land and tenants, especially in these hard times.


They are quite different from your uncle's tenants or Sir James's—monsters—farmers without landlords—one can't tell how to class them.


But the road, even the byroad, was excellent; for Lowick, as we have seen, was not a parish of muddy lanes and poor tenants; and it was into Lowick parish that Fred and Rosamond entered after a couple of miles' riding.


"I think we deserve to be beaten out of our beautiful houses with a scourge of small cords—all of us who let tenants live in such sties as we see round us.


"I am reading the Agricultural Chemistry," said this excellent baronet, "because I am going to take one of the farms into my own hands, and see if something cannot be done in setting a good pattern of farming among my tenants.


As they were surveying the last, the general, after slightly naming a few of the distinguished characters by whom they had at times been honoured, turned with a smiling countenance to Catherine, and ventured to hope that henceforward some of their earliest tenants might be "our friends from Fullerton.

迷人四月天:Chapter 17

" "There are four," said Francesca, scenting an irregularity on the part of the tenants, for her master looked surprised; and she felt pleased, for life was dull and irregularities helped it along at least a little.

迷人四月天:Chapter 13

Other tenants in other springs had been far more active.

迷人四月天:Chapter 5

" But he had forgotten what he amply knew, that trains in Italy are sometimes late, and he had imagined his tenants arriving at Mezzago at eight o'clock and finding a string of flys to choose from.


They became either tenants, slaves and servants, or tramps and famime refugee, and some were even forced to rise up.

报告显示 7月份北京住房月租金同比上涨25%

onthly rent in Beijing has risen by about a quarter in 2018, according to a research report that has stoked criticism from many of the millions of tenants who live in China's capital.


Tenants renting space pay little or no deposit, and are free to leave at a moment's notice.

住建部发布新规 房屋租赁市场将规范

The draft, currently open to public opinion for revision, listed detailed rules that supervise housing market participants including landlords, tenants, developers, and brokerage firms, the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development said in an online statement.


When the method does not work well on rainy days or in dim light, tenants can scan their fingerprints instead.


In other first-tier cities including Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, one-bedroom apartments were also the most favored by tenants, showed a rental market report for the first half of 2016 released by 58.


The survey showed that 14 percent of these young tenants share apartments with strangers they have contacted online.


Angry tenants across London have been taking to social media to share their renting horror stories.


It has only ever had two major tenants: original occupants AT&T, and Sony itself.

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