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The Gulf city-state's recent travails would have most high-end estate agents crying into their champagne cocktails.


Moreover, this plays down the travails of those living in developing countries: when their faster population growth is taken into account, the underperformance of EMs vis-à-vis developed countries in per capita terms is starker still.


But policymakers should not kid themselves that trade is going to rescue them from their domestic economic travails as in the past.

通缩也许并不可怕 风险与机遇并存

This dismal economic policy and economic performance finds modern parallels, too — here, in the travails of the eurozone.

突破汽车垄断 中国制造

There, a family member might be waiting in a Volvo, a car that has long been popular with drivers in New England despite the Swedish carmaker's larger travails.


But there does not appear much other companies can learn from Malaysia Airlines' travails.

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