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You may feel muscle cramps, headaches, twitches or palpitations.


Eye twitches If your eyes keep on twitching every now again out of nowhere, your body is trying to tell you that your nervous system is not very happy.


Eye twitches If your eyes keep on twitching every now again out of nowhere, your body is trying to tell you that your nervous system is not very happy.


You may feel muscle cramps, headaches, twitches or palpitations.


It reached the pool and slid its horrible scaly chin down over the gravel to drink: but before it had drunk there came from it a great croaking or clanging cry and after a few twitches and convulsions it rolled round on its side and lay perfectly still with one claw in the air.

格林童话英文版:The Three Army-Surgeons

My hand twitches, and I am forced to snatch things whether I will or not.


No response, just a flutter of flanks and a few ear twitches.

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