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He established Confucianism as the empire's unifying ideology (136 B.

中国英语能力等级量表发布 看看自己在第几级?

The scale -- the first comprehensive scaling system for teaching, learning and testing the language -- will be helpful in unifying various English tests with different standards and deepening the interconnection between exams at home and abroad.

名人励志英语演讲 第21期:我们唯一害怕的是害怕本身(6)

It can be helped by the unifying of relief activities which today are often scattered, uneconomical, unequal.


The scale -- the first comprehensive scaling system for teaching, learning and testing the language -- will be helpful in unifying various English tests with different standards and deepening the interconnection between exams at home and abroad.


Green is on the board of the Ross Initiative in Sports and Equality (RISE) — a non-profit organization, founded by Miami Dolphins owner Stephen Ross, that is dedicated to improving race relations through the unifying elements of sports.

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