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Some internet users shared their living expenses in colleges, and most ranged from 1,000 to 2,000 yuan a month.

报告显示 95后平均在职7个月后就离职

The social networking site analyzed the public profiles of 150,000 users and found that first jobs are hardly ideal for many.

研究发现 用Facebook的美国青少年的人数正在减少

In March, another Pew study found that 68 percent of adults said they were Facebook users.


Users in the US who are searching for clinical depression will now be able to take a quiz within the search results, which will suggest whether or not they have the condition.


" Media reports about the letter soon went viral, with many web users trying to find the student.

中国:网民年轻化 上网娱乐化

According to a report released by China Internet Network Information (CNNIC) yesterday, China's Internet users totaled 162 million in the first six months of this year.

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