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As to zinc, it may be remembered that the case found at Flotsam Point was lined with this metal, which could not be better utilized than for this purpose.


Cyrus Harding could have utilized the second fall which flowed into the Mercy to establish his motive power, the first being already occupied with moving the felting mill, but, after some consultation, it was decided that a simple windmill should be built on Prospect Heights.


The cane is not a prop to be utilized in a moment, but is part of her identity and part of her—and quite right that it exists in such a beautiful image and is not made invisible, in the way that society makes disability invisible.

癌细胞内发现自杀开关 癌症治疗或开启新时代

That's the discovery made by researchers at Northwestern University, Illinois, who believe it could be utilized for the future fight against cancer.

美国国务卿蓬佩奥租房住 房屋条件一般

"This arrangement will present taxpayers a significant cost savings over options that previous secretaries of state utilized.


Such as more public transportation systems should be put in use,more energy-saving resources should be utilized.


The re-emergence of Markelle Fultz could help matters for Simmons, but Simmons's high-IQ game could still be better utilized from the perimeter if he becomes a threat from there.


Because the muscles, ligaments, and tendons of the feet need to be fully utilized, the runner can develop a more natural gait and stronger, more responsive feet.


In the age where staff turnover is increasingly high, if smart people' s talents have not been fully utilized, they will gradually lose the passion of work and may leave the company without the least hesitation.


Such as more public transportation systems should be put in use,more energy-saving resources should be utilized.


Failure isn't always a bad thing, especially if it's utilized properly.


VR technology will be utilized in varieties of commercial and marketing fields to create new business opportunities.


The interview strategies my son prepared were not utilized at all.

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