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群星参加All In抗疫挑战

The challenge is operated by the All In Challenge Foundation and utilizes the company's connections with high-profile athletes and entertainers.


Then there is a modern version called simply "SHUTTLECOCK",a game which utilizes a net to separate opposing teams and is essentially a sport for the super fit athlete.

6个肢体语言 时刻暴露着你的秘密(双语)

The act of crossing your arms utilizes both your left and right brain, creating higher cognitive function.


The act of crossing your arms utilizes both your left and right brain, creating higher cognitive function.

苹果申请新专利 iPhone可拦截诈骗电话

At Google's event this week, the company introduced a Call Screen feature that utilizes Google Assistant to help weed out spam calls.


" The vacuum tube train is a magnetic levitation line that utilizes evacuated tubes or tunnels.

浙大学生发明用空气洗手装置 获得国际大奖

The device utilizes an infrared ray induction system, which detects the presence of hands.


The science of horticulture, in which the primary concerns are maximum yield and superior quality, utilizes information derived from other sciences.


The science of horticulture, in which the primary concerns are maximum yield and superior quality, utilizes inFORMation derived from other sciences.

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